Mjua yote: Rachael Ruto says Kware bodies are victims of gender based violenceMjua yote: Rachael Ruto says Kware bodies are victims of gender based violence

Praying mantis?

First Lady Rachel Ruto has expressed deep sympathy for the families of the women whose mutilated bodies were found at the Kware dumpsite in Mukuru Kwa Njenga.
She condemned the violence against women, emphasising that no one should endure such cruelty.

Kenya’s First Lady Rachel Ruto has linked Kware dump site bodies to gender based violence and condemns violence against women.

“The discovery of the mutilated bodies of young women dumped in Kware, Nairobi, is deeply disturbing and heartbreaking. Each of these women was someone’s child, sister or friend and no one should undergo such cruelty. Violence against women must end in our country. Our condolences and prayers go out to the families of the victims. No parent should ever have to bury their child, especially under such circumstances,” she wrote.
The first lady sent her message of condolences and prayers to the families of the victims as investigations continue to unearth the perpetrators of those crimes.

The First Lady’s statement came hours after President William Ruto promised no stone would be left unturned in the hunt for the person(s) behind the murders.

“Those who were involved in the death of those kids in the Quarry have to pay. They must be found and action taken against them,” Ruto spoke of the matter.

“Killing any Kenyan is against the constitution of Kenya. That process must be expedited and the truth found.”

Mjua yote: Rachael Ruto says Kware bodies are victims of gender based violence
Mjua yote: Rachael Ruto says Kware bodies are victims of gender based violence

The Head of State demanded relevant investigative agencies including the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Homicide to expedite the process.

DCI in a statement remarked that the investigations would be thorough and cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to the possible activities of cultists and serial killings.

“Further to the statement made yesterday July 12, 2024, the DCI would like to inform the public that five more nylon bags were retrieved from the quarry today.

Three bags contained female body parts as follows: the first bag had two legs from the knee downwards, the second bag contained two body parts, one from the neck to the waist and another from the head to the waist, and the third bag contained a lower limb from the thigh to the knee. For the other two bags, one contained a dog carcass while the other was full of garbage.
We want to assure the public that our investigations will be thorough and shall cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to the possible activities of cultists and serial killings.
As the government deploys all necessary resources and manpower to expedite this investigation, we appeal to the members of the public to remain calm and give our detectives a chance to deliver justice to the victims of this horrendous scene.
Moments ago, a select team of our homicide detectives and forensic experts based at the National Forensic Laboratory, whose role is very crucial in evidence gathering before the scene is tampered with, were impeded by agitated members of the public from accessing the scene. In full understanding of the emotive nature of these developments, we urge our fellow Kenyans to allow us to handle this scene in order to give closure to the families and bring to book any culpable persons.
We also invite the families, all interested parties, LSK, civil society organizations and human rights activists to participate in the postmortem exercise to ensure that the investigations are carried out most transparently and openly.” posted DCI

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