Remember to use Agrifeed foliar fertilizer for a maximum harvest
1. Soil Preparation
Soil Testing: Conduct a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels. Ideal pH is between 5.8 and 7.0.
Tillage: Plow and harrow the land to create a fine seedbed. Incorporate organic matter if needed to improve soil structure.
Drainage: Ensure good drainage, as sorghum does not tolerate waterlogged soils.
2. Seed Selection
Variety Choice: Choose varieties based on climate, disease resistance, and intended use (grain, forage, or sweet sorghum). Consider local recommendations.
Seed Quality: Use certified seeds to ensure high germination rates and pest resistance.
3. Planting
Timing: Plant in spring once soil temperatures reach about 65°F (18°C).
Spacing: Rows should be spaced 75 by 10cm apart; seeds should be planted 1-2 inches deep.
Seed Rate: You need 3-4kg per acre or 7-10 kgs /ha of certified sorghum seeds.
4. Watering
Irrigation: Sorghum is drought-tolerant but requires water during critical growth phases (e.g., flowering). Consider drip or sprinkler systems for efficiency.
5. Fertilization
Nutrients: Apply nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium based on soil test results.
Application time:At planting apply one bag of 50 kg per acre of compound fertilizer
6. Weed Management
Cultural Practices: Use crop rotation and cover crops to suppress weeds.
Herbicides: Apply pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides as needed, following label instructions.
Mechanical Control: Utilize hoeing or mechanical weeding for small-scale operations.
7. Pest and Disease Management
Monitoring: Regularly inspect crops for signs of pests (e.g., aphids, sugarcane borers) and diseases (e.g., downy mildew, anthracnose).
Crop Rotation: Rotate with non-host crops to reduce disease and pest pressure.

By Admin

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