The enemy is Gachagua, Raila declares as he protects Ruto

Kenya’s opposition leader raila odinga has the Weeks his members of parliament over the current situation in the country.
The enemy is Gachagua, Raila declares as he protects Ruto

Speaking during an opposition parliamentary group meeting it is father’s residents the opposition leader asked his members of parliament the better option between the deputy president and the president.

Raila cited that by supporting the router must go narrative the country is on the verge of accepting a tribal guy by the name of the deputy president who only thinks of people from his village.

Referring to Tahrir square, the opposition leader said that in times of crisis that country will go into chaos and we lose a country.

Raila said that his move to protect President William ruto is not a calculation meant to keep human power but that is the only option at the moment to keep the country at peace.

Yesterday they are kills witnessed are the same place he addressed his members of parliament following their disagreement with his opposition colleagues who are currently scrambling for positions in the upcoming Ruto’s cabinet.

Raila say that by advancing for military takeover the country will not be at peace and Kenyans will regret that in the long run after the state runs into a military style of leadership.

There has been a handshake style of leadership arrangement in the offering between the president and the opposition leader something that is now in the offing.

Seemingly agitated by the ongoing demonstrations in the country the position leader said that the country should have a dialogue and more conversations towards building the country.

The opposition leader promised to lead talks to stop any check over by the military or the citizens as such can plunge the country into chaos, war and instability in the economy.

Raila told is opposition members of parliament to support President William Ruto at this critical hour of need.

By Admin

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