Lucy painfully narrated how her dad would give her medicine but after a few minutes she would lose consciousness.

Her mother gave birth to her while single. When her mother got married she took her along. At first, the dad was good to her, but after Siring kids with her mother, he started mistreating her. He used to beat her up for petty mistakes, and refuse to


Lucy painfully narrated how her dad would give her medicine but after a few minutes should lose her consciousness. He will then sleep with her and would feel a lot of pain after in her private parts after regaining her consciousness.


Her mother gave birth to how I will single when another got married she took her along at the dad was good to her but after sharing kids with an with her mom he started mistreating her. Used to beat up for petting mistakes and refused to buy a clothes and pay for our school fees. How work was to look after the cataly children attended school the father would return home during the day some medicine which he claimed when he was closely to check them and after that you should feel dizzy.


After few minutes should lose consciousness should later wake up feeling pain in our private parts.


when you brought the medicine the third time Lucy told her mother should not take it she was curious unwanted to know what happened to her she hit the medicine and pretended to fainted and went ahead and unrest her but before he could rape her, she’s screamed and luckily a neighborhood went to confirm motors happiness to run outside and when her mother again consciousness she told her what had happened but she asked her not to disclose it to anyone else.

The following day the dad would call a also some nasty words beating up. She decided to go to the authorities and report the matter.

They were someone in court but when her mother was asked to testify she pretended to be dumb just to save her marriage. She went back to a grandparents home where she now lives

By Admin

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